Fisher Control Valve Sizing Software Firstvue Download

  1. Fisher Control Valve Sizing Calculator
  2. Fisher Control Valve Sizing Software Firstvue Download Full

Fast and reliable on/off valve selection
This on/off calculation tool allows the selection of all Neles metal- and soft-seated on/off valves with advanced but easy-to-use actuator sizing including adjustable safety factor and torque key figures. By using the tool, you can select the actuator more quickly and accurately in the engineering phase, compared to conventional actuator selection. You can also use the mass calculation tools to work with a number of items even more efficiently. Documentation and revision of the sizing is, of course, also possible whenever needed in the later phases.
First on the market to optimize safety-critical system components in valve selection
The SIL module for final element PFD (Probability of Failure on Demand) calculation allows both 1oo1 and 1oo1D (D standing for diagnostics) final-element calculation that takes into account the use of a valve, an actuator and the market-leading partial-stroke test device Neles ValvGuard™. In addition, one to several pneumatic components can be taken into account in the calculation.
These two new modules help to reduce engineering time in the selection of on/off and ESD valves by providing field-proven-based information. Easy to use and reliable in results – with all the relevant parameters on your screen and printouts – you can avoid many mistakes and work more efficiently by using the tool. Nelprof™ software - utilizes intelligence based on several decades of real life experiences to help you to size and to select the best valve solution for each application.

Register for Fisher Specification Manager Software. Designed for engineers, Fisher Specification Manager software offers a powerful set of tools for producing an ISA specification sheet faster, improving noise prediction calculations and exporting dimensional data for Fisher and Baumann control valves. You’ll find it easy to learn and use.


  1. The FIRSTVUE Valve Sizing Program helps you identify the control valve package best suited to each set of service conditions. You can use FIRSTVUE's powerful valve selection features to specify either a single control valve or hundreds with minimal effort.
  2. From WeBBusterZ Engineering Software: Fisher Control Valve Sizing Software Download For Windows 7 There are many extremely useful control valve handbooks and articles available online and FREE for read and download as discussed in 'Useful Documents Related to Control Valve'.

If you download any of my worksheets, you might want to check back from time-to-time to see if I have made any revisions. If you send me an email specifically requesting to be notified of revisions, I will do so. I will NOT send you any communication you have not specifically requested.


These worksheets are distributed at no charge on an as-is basis. The author does not assume any liability for their use.


I have protected the worksheets to prevent accidental changes to the formulas and calculation method. It is still possible to see the formulas that are used so that those who are interested can verify the calculation method, or use my calculation methods and formulas in their own worksheets or other programming environments.

If you want to make changes to the worksheets, the password is eliminator, but you do so at your own risk. Note that some of my newer worksheets, though protected to prevent accidental changes, do not require a password. For those newer sheets, simply select from the Excel Review menu, Unprotect sheet.

I have not claimed copyright to these worksheets because I want them to be used by anyone who wants to use them. If you design your own worksheets or other program using my formulas and calculation methods, leave my name off, as I don’t want credit for any possible incorrect calculations.

ControlValve Sizing application workbooks


These Excel® Workbooks are intended as full function control valve sizing applications.

They include control valve sizing calculations in accordance with the current ISA/IEC standards and noise calculations in accordance with the current IEC standards. These workbooks include typical valve sizing and noise calculation parameters and typical tables of valve capacity (Cv) for a number of the most popular control valve styles. As such, many users will find them suitable for preliminary control valve selection. When you select a valve manufacturer it would be wise to ask them to verify your selections based their proprietary parameters.

Additional features rarely found in valve selection applications is the ability to calculate and graph the install flow characteristic and installed gain of a particular valve style and size in the system into which it is to be installed.

There are three workbooks. Gas flow in mass flow units, Gas flow in volumetric flow units and Liquid flow. The first tab on each is a “READ ME” tab which contains an instruction manual. Reading the manual will significantly improve your experience with the workbook.

I have retained my original stand-alone worksheets for valve sizing and IEC noise that are below for those who prefer to use them.

Control valve sizing and selection application for gas flow in mass flow units
Microsoft Excel Table2.4 MB
Control valve sizing and selection application for gas flow in volumetric flow units
Microsoft Excel Table2.1 MB
Control valve sizing and selection application for liquid flow.
Microsoft Excel Table2.1 MB

The download is a zip file which contains a short instruction manual, and Excel® worksheets for:

Liquid (Volumetric flow units) Includes a tab that can convert mass flow to volumetric flow

Fisher Control Valve Sizing Calculator

Gas (Volumetric flow units where the molecular weight or specific gravity is known)

Gas (Mass flow units where the density is known. This includes steam.)

A unique feature of these worksheets is that in addition to performing traditional Cv calculations, they can also graph the installed flow characteristic and installed gain of a valve when it is installed in a particular system.

These worksheets are based on ANSI/ISA-75.01.01 (IEC 60534-2-1 Mod) -2012 'Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves.' Each has space for four simultaneous calculations. For example, you can calculate required control valve capacity (Cv or Kv) for Minimum, Normal, Maximum and one additional flow condition. Engineering units are by default set to US units, but can be easily changed to SI units. Your experience with these worksheets will be much better if you read the included 'Instructions.'

4-27-18: Minor revision to liquid sizing worksheet. No obvious difference, no change to calculated results. See Revision History..

Compressed Archive in ZIP Format6.0 MB
Adobe Acrobat Document49.7 KB

This worksheet graphs a control valve’s installed flow and installed gain. It does this in conjunction with the user’s preferred control valve sizing software. This is the worksheet that was presented in the March 2021 issue of P.I. PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION magazine. A copy of the article can be downloaded from the Links page of this web where it is listed as: “Graphing Installed Flow and Gain of a Control Valve.” The article describes how to use the worksheet.

Microsoft Excel Table28.5 KB

I have recently become a member of the ISA S75.07 committee that is working on standards involving control valve noise. So far my main effort has been to make Excel®worksheets that calculate Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic noise in accordance with the current IEC Standards. These calculations involve many equations and, in the words of Dr. HansBaumann area'programmers nightmare.' I have to agree with him!

Here are two zip files, one for Aerodynamic noise and one for Hydrodynamic noise. Each contains a worksheet for flow in mass flow units and a worksheet for volumetric flow units. Also included for each is a short instruction file.

On 1/15/18 I replaced the Hydrodynamic noise file withRev. 1b. The only change is that I added the option of either entering a known value of xFz or letting the worksheet calculate an approximate value using Equation 3 of the Standard.

On 3/9/18 I added an Excel sheet that calculates typical values for some parameters required by the IEC noise calculations.

On 8/7/18 I replaced the Aerodynamic noise sheets with Rev. 2. There was a minor error in the FLP calculation for Conditions 2, 3 and 4. This only resulted in a calculation error of about 1 dB(A).

Fisher Control Valve Sizing Software Firstvue Download Full

On 10/7/18 I replaced the Typical xFz, Fd and FL parameters worksheet with Rev 3. There was a change to the FL calculation for the Globe 4 port cage valves.

On 10/9/18 I replaced the Typical xFz, Fd and FL parameters worksheet with Rev 4. There was a change to the xFz calculation for the Globe 4 port cage valves.

IEC Aerodynamic noise Excel worksheets and instructions
Compressed Archive in ZIP Format498.7 KB
IEC Hydrodynamic noise Excel worksheets and instructions
Compressed Archive in ZIP Format522.2 KB
Typical xFz, Fd and FL parameters for IEC control valve calculations
Some parameters required by the IEC control valve noise calculations, especially xFz and Fd are not always easy to find. When valve manufacturer's data is not available, this Excel sheet can provide typical values based on the user's input of Cv based on the sizing calculations from a valve sizing program or worksheet and the valve size.
Microsoft Excel Table32.2 KB

New 10/28/19

This Excel sheet calculates the speed of sound in gas.

Microsoft Excel Table21.0 KB

This worksheet approximates liquid vapor pressure for control valve sizing purposes. The calculation uses the Antoine equation along with Antoine parameters as presented on the 'NIST Chemistry WebBook.' The worksheet includes a link to the NIST Chemistry WebBook, along with instructions for using the worksheet.

On Aug. 31 2015 I replaced the original worksheet with Rev 1a which allows temperature input in either degrees C or F and returns vapor pressure in both bar and psia.

Microsoft Excel Table14.7 KB

Revised May 6, 2017. Minor revisions to some tabulated data. Added a README (Information and Instructions) tab.

Revised May 28 2017. Minor corrections to some tabulated values. Added tabulated values for Tr = 2.5 for increased accuracy.

This worksheet approximates the compressibility factor of gasses for control valve sizing purposes. It uses tabulated data from the Nelson Obert charts with two dimensional interpolation between the tabulated reduced pressure points and reduced temperature points.

It is valid for reduced temperatures (Tr) between 1.0 and 15 and reduced pressures (Pr) between 0.0 and 20. The worksheet shows the reduced pressure and temperature being used in the calculation, and informs the user whether each is within the limits of the worksheet.

There is space on the worksheet for four calculations to make it easily compatible with the four calculations performed by the above control valve sizing worksheets.

Gas compressibility factor based on the Nelson-Obert generalized compressibility charts.
Microsoft Excel Table62.8 KB

This worksheet approximates the behavior of P1 and P2 (pressure upstream and pressure downstream of a control valve) at different flow rates. This might be useful if valve Cv calculations need to be made at several flow rates, when only P1 and P2 are known at the maximum and minimum design flow rates. The principle behind the calculation is that pressure loss in a piping system is approximately proportional to flow squared.

Although the units on this worksheet are shown as gpm and psig, the calculation method is independent of units and the user can use any appropriate units.

On 8/20/15 I replaced Revision 1 of the file with Revision 2, which reformats the worksheet to allow entry of any minimum design flow and adds an Instruction tab and a Calculation Method tab.

Microsoft Excel Table101.8 KB

This worksheet calculates the pressure drop in liquid piping systems.

There are ten columns of identical individual calculations. You can use just one, or you can use more than one for different flow rates in the same system, for unrelated calculations or for chained calculations for the same system where you want to break the system down into several small systems in series.

There is a description of how the worksheet works and instructions for its use on the second tab.

On 5/21/15 I added a third tab with typical isolation valve Cv values.

Microsoft Excel Table52.3 KB

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