I choose rvm (like nvm) to manage versions and gemsets. Simply run the command below and follow what's prompted. $ curl -sSL bash -s stable. Enter fullscreen mode. Exit fullscreen mode. When it's done, restart terminal once, to get rvm loaded. Install ruby, I use 2.5.3 and 2.6.3 at the moment. This article guides you through the process of performing a clean installation of macOS 10.15 Catalina using the bootable USB drive method, rather than upgrading your Mac using Apple's standard.
Hello guys, I am Clark! In this post I am going to share about install npm. In the official document of npm, you can install npm through two way, and npm is node package manager, so the two way are all related to node.
The first way is node installer which I always did when I want to install npm before, because this way is easily, you just need to go to the website of node, download the node installer and install it(Whatever you choose the LTS or Current version), you will got npm when you finished.
The second way is through NVM, also is main way I want to share in this post. But I never do it, so if any mistake I did, please comment below let me know, thanks!
The NVM meaning is node version manager, according to the official document, something we can know:
- This way is more recommend than node installer.
- You can install and switch between multiple versions of node and npm in your device.
So if we choose the NVM, we can test if our application work well on different version of node. It sounds nice! Let’s install NVM!
If your device’s OS is window, you can download the latest NVM installer from releases. Install NVM on the window is more easily than on the macOS I think.
If you finished download and install, you could open command line and type nvm
, that would look like this if you success install NVM:
If your device’s OS is macOS, you can execute a command below through terminal(According to here):
If you finished the step and you already have installed npm before then NVM would check all modules you installed and ask if you want to uninstall they from global:
Because if you installed the NVM, your original node and npm will be overwritten by NVM. But this step we will handle later, because we have something not yet finished.
My terminal is using zsh(The latest macOS Catalina default terminal is use zsh), so I need a a new terminal window and add the following to file ./zshrc
, if your terminal is not zsh, please add in file ./bash_profile
And type i
to start editing it, and paste the following:
After you paste the command above, you can click button esc
on keyboard, continue type :wq
and enter it:
If you finished above all thing, please you close and reopen a new terminal then type nvm
check if you successful installed:
Next if you want to use current versions of node and npm through your NVM, you can run following. The use
also is command which you want to switch the version of node:
The NVM will apply versions of node and npm to the NVM, we can continue run command below check:
Anything will like you use node or npm before install NVM.
How to install other versions of node and npm
If you want to install other versions of node and npm, the first you can run following see all versions of node you can install:
Next if I want to install latest LTS version of node v12.18.3
, I can run following:
Then we can run the following command to check the version of node currently use by NVM:
So if I want to install the v12.18.3
and check if it is successful switch to versions I installed:
So good! You also can uninstall version of node you don’t want to use:
Last, you should be know, the version of node would not influences each other, each version of node will be independent! So just take easy to using any version of node to develop your applications!
I hope this post can be helpful for you, and if you have any opinions or questions, please comment below, I would very appreciate every thing! :)
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, a new MacBook Pro completed its journey from Shanghai to Harrogate whenit arrived at my home .
The updated Magic Keyboard is delightful to type on. Key presses start softerthan the older not Magic keyboard then stiffen at the bottom of the stroke,providing reassurance the press registered. Apple has reverted the layout of thearrow keys to an upside down T shape, making it easier to orient your fingerswithout looking down at the keyboard.
How is the MacBook Pro’s keyboard related to installing Eleventy on a new Mac?It’s tenuous: creating a website is my excuse to use the keyboard and Eleventyis static site generator I’d like to use.
Quick start
Eleventy’s website proudly displays a quick start on its home page:
Slow start
Following that quick start on a fresh installation of MacOS (Catalina Version10.15), though, is less than gratifying:
The npm command isn’t found because the npmCLI isn’tinstalled. According to the npm blog:
The best way to install npm is to install node using the node.js installer.npm is installed as part of node.
According to me, the best way to install Node.js is to install it usingnvm.
Last, the nvm README calls out: Git must be installed before nvm, giving usa list of dependencies to install in this order:
Install Git
Open Terminal and enter the command to install Apple’s Command Line Tools,which include Git.
Click the Install button on the alert that appears.
Confirm Git was installed and its version.
Install nvm
Create a run commands file for zsh.
Enter the command to run nvm’s install script. Check nvm’s README for thelatest version number.
Quit then reopen Terminal, which will start nvm using the run commands file wejust created.
Install Nvm Mac Catalina Free
Confirm nvm was installed and its version.
Install Node.js
Use nvm to install the latest LTS version of Node.js.
Confirm Node.js was installed and its version.
Install Eleventy
Create a directory for our Eleventy project and change to that directory.
Create a package.json
file. This is optional but useful: it keepstrack of any dependencies our project is using, including Eleventy.
Install Eleventy in our project’s directory.
Use npx to confirm Eleventy was installed and its version.
Finish strong
Create a simple Markdown file.
Run Eleventy to generate an HTML file from the Markdown file.
Install Nvm Mac Catalina Download
Confirm the HTML was created and its contents.
Start Eleventy’s web server.
Install Nvm Mac Catalina
Open http://localhost:8080/README/ in a browser to view our firstEleventy web page. 👏