- Jawaban Minna No Nihongo 1 - Kumpulan Jawaban
- Kunci Jawaban Minna No Nihongo 1
- Jawaban Renshuu B Minna No Nihongo 1
- Kunci Jawaban Buku Minna No Nihongo 1 Bab 7 - Guru Galeri
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Kunci Jawaban Minna No Nihongo 1. File nghe audio mp3 50 bai Minna no Nihongo leanhtien net. It contains short stories and texts with exercises along with vocabulary list and answer key. Jawaban Renshuu B Minna No Nihongo Learnlasopa from learnlasopa845.weebly.com. Where To Download Minna No Nihongo 1 Answer Key Minna No Nihongo 1 Answer Key Yeah, reviewing a ebook minna no nihongo 1 answer key could be credited with your near links listings. This is just one of the solutions for you to be successful. As understood, success does not recommend that you have astounding points.
This is also another article written for answering several questions in chapter 14. It is actually an article to retrieve answer for solving the problems provided in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 14 Section B Part 3 in page 117. There are several Japanese language grammar pattern for asking someone to do something in an interrogative sentence or in a question tone. And the other Japanese langauge grammar pattern for requesting someone to do something politely. Below is the pattern and also example for doing it :
Pattern :
Kanji | : | 。。。 | + | 動詞「―て形」 | + | ください |
Hiragana | : | 。。。 | + | どうし「-て けい」 | + | ください |
Romaji | : | 。。。 | + | doushi 「-te kei」 | + | kudasai |
Meaning | : | 。。。 | + | verb 「-te form」 | + | please |
This is an example for using the above Japanese language grammar pattern which is adjusted with the example for answering the problem in form of a conversation :
Kanji :
。。。ええ、明日まで 資料を書き直してください。
Hiragana :
。。。ええ、あしたまで しりょうをかきなしてください。
Romaji :
Kono shiryou wo kakinaoshimashuka。
。。。ee、ashita made shiryou wo kakinaoshite kudasai。
Meaning :
Should I rewrite this document ?。
。。。yes、please rewrite this document until tomorrow。
The Japanese language grammar modifying the verb by adding a suffix ‘-mashouka’ is effectively used to ask opinion on doing something whether it is done for searching affirmation or ensuring to do the activity together. After presenting that Japanese language grammar based on the example given, the next part is giving a positive answer followed by a specific Japanese language grammar pattern asking to do the activity in a polite manner. Based on the pattern and also the example given above, below are the answers given to answer the question exist in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 14 Section B Part 3 at page 117.
Kanji :
これを コピーしましょうか。
。。。ええ、5枚 コピーしてください。
Hiragana :
これを コピーしましょうか。
。。。ええ、5まい コピーしてください。
Romaji :
Kore wo kopi- shimashouka。
。。。ee、5 mai kopi- shite kudasai。
Meaning :
Jawaban Minna No Nihongo 1 - Kumpulan Jawaban
Should we copy this ?。
。。。yes、please copy it 5 times。
Kanji :
レポートを 送りましょうか。
。。。ええ、すぐ レポートを 送って ください。
Hiragana :
レポートを おくりましょうか。
。。。ええ、すぐ レポートを おくって ください。
Romaji :
Repo-to wo okurimashouka。
。。。ee、sugu repo-to wo okutte kudasai。
Meaning :
Should we send the report ?。
。。。yes、please send the report immediately。
3. Answer
Kunci Jawaban Minna No Nihongo 1
Kanji :
タクシーを 呼びましょうか。
。。。ええ、2台 を呼んでください。
Hiragana :
タクシーを よびましょうか。
。。。ええ、2だい をよんでください。
Jawaban Renshuu B Minna No Nihongo 1
Romaji :
Takushi- wo yobimashouka。
。。。ee、2dai wo yonde kudasai。
Meaning :
Should we call a cab (taxi) ?.
。。。yes、please call two cabs (taxi)。
Kanji :
あしたも 来ましょうか。
。。。ええ、あした 10時 来て ください。
Hiragana :
あしたも きましょうか。
。。。ええ、あした 10じ きて ください。
Romaji :
Ashita mo kimashouka。
。。。ee、ashita 10ji kite kudasai。
Meaning :
Should we also come tomorrow ? .
。。。yes、please come tomorrow at 10 o’clock。
The full question which consists of several numbers can be seen completely in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 14 Section B Part 3 on page 117.
Kunci Jawaban Buku Minna No Nihongo 1 Bab 7 - Guru Galeri
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Disclaimer: I am still a Self Learning Japanese student, so the answer might not be 100% correct or 100% wrong, so feel free to correct me so we can share and learn, since Minna no Nihongo book do not provide answer for Renshuu B.
Please if you plan to copy my work, do link back to my humble 'Study Room'. Thank you. :) Hope the answers help.
Please enjoy~
皆の日本語Minna no Nihongo, Book 1 (Bk. 1) (Japanese Edition)
第二十課 (Lesson 20)
練習B (Renshuu B)
(3)昨日は映画を見たり、音楽を聞いたりする。 *
(4)この電話を使ってもいい。 *
5(1) ビザが要る?
。。。ううん、あまりよくない。*thank you for the correction*
。。。イタリアは楽しかった 。
(4)富士山はどうだ? *
*means I'm not so sure~
Just spreading something free :D
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